Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Colors I Saw

Like I said in an earlier blog, I live really close to the ocean, and I love the sea, or even just water in general. I love swimming, even though I’m not very good at it, unlike some of my friends. One of the things I love most about the sea is all the colors, so I try to write poetry about it, because I love poetry almost as much as I do writing stories. Anyway, here it is. This poem is called The Colors I Saw. I hope you like it, and please comment! I’d love to hear what you think!

Once upon the time, when the world was young, my grandfather told me
Look out, child, upon the ocean blue
And look at it with eyes young and untainted, and true
And tell me
All the colors you see
And I told him: I see the white-capped waves as they break on the shore
And the turquoise calm of the bay, and the azure of the tide pools, and many more
I see the candy colored sails of the little fishing boats, where they run
And the deep, impenetrable blue of the deep sea, dancing with the yellow of the sun
I see a deep green calm, where no humans go
The pink of the jellyfish, plastic-y green of the seaweed waving to and fro
And yellow, and pink, and blues from the fat fish who dart
The white sands swirling at the clear bottom always gives me a start
The ivory oysters, which lie on the seafloor like the pearls they mill
And the red of the blood from when a shark made its kill
I see the smooth slick gray of a dolphin tail
And the deep blue spout of a humpback whale
The baby pink of a starfish
The gleam of an oyster’s pearl, I’ve heard if you have one you can make a wish
And many more colors, too many to count
As I look out on the seashore, the number my eyes perceive amounts
What about you grandfather, what colors do you see?
- S.P. Kumar

The Colors of the Sunset in Paradise

Hi! This is another poem I wrote just for fun. I live close to the ocean, and the sunset always looks incredibly beautiful, so I thought I’d try capturing it in a poem one day.
It’s called The Colors of the Sunset in Paradise. I hope you like it!

As the sun dipped low
Over the mountains, just a faint glow
I swept my brush across the sky
And blended, mixed, and painted colors, on the fly
And then the sky stained with the colors of my sun brush
The colors, sharp, vivid, beautiful, as the song of a meadow thrush
Gold, pink, pale blue, red
Purple, orange, fiery yellows, and upon the fringes, the color of plain gray lead
But the gray blue of the sky, I had once thought so beautiful
Seemed paltry at the sight of this sunset, incredibly wonderful
The colors mixed and blended
To powerful oceans, majestic mountains, and placid lakes, beauty was added
The colors stained and merged together
I looked back once, so I would remember forever

The colors of the sunset in paradise

-S.P. Kumar