Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Colors of the Sunset in Paradise

Hi! This is another poem I wrote just for fun. I live close to the ocean, and the sunset always looks incredibly beautiful, so I thought I’d try capturing it in a poem one day.
It’s called The Colors of the Sunset in Paradise. I hope you like it!

As the sun dipped low
Over the mountains, just a faint glow
I swept my brush across the sky
And blended, mixed, and painted colors, on the fly
And then the sky stained with the colors of my sun brush
The colors, sharp, vivid, beautiful, as the song of a meadow thrush
Gold, pink, pale blue, red
Purple, orange, fiery yellows, and upon the fringes, the color of plain gray lead
But the gray blue of the sky, I had once thought so beautiful
Seemed paltry at the sight of this sunset, incredibly wonderful
The colors mixed and blended
To powerful oceans, majestic mountains, and placid lakes, beauty was added
The colors stained and merged together
I looked back once, so I would remember forever

The colors of the sunset in paradise

-S.P. Kumar

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